Integrated Mechanical Systems

MEP Tendering

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I.M.S believes that

a comprehensive O&M plan with proper performance and documentation is the main reason of an affirmative
defense in the case of a malfunction.
Besides complying with applicable regulations and permit conditions, the facility is ensured that the equipment is being properly operated and maintajned. Early detection of problems certainly decrease repair and replacements costs, prevents malfunctions and minimizes downtime.

An O&M plan specifies key system operating parameters and limits, maintenance procedures and schedules, and documentation methods necessary to demonstrate proper operation and maintenance of an approved emission control device or system.

An O&M plan is broken up into four sections: general information, operation plan, maintenance plan and additional information.

The General Information section contains general information about the facility, the process ducted to the equipment, the environment control and the control device.

The Operation Plan

The Operation Plan section contains information about the operating parameters to be monitored including limits, monitoring frequency and instrumentation.

The Maintenance Plan section contains information about the maintenance procedures in both preventive and corrective parts to be performed and also their frequencies.

The Additional Information section contains any additional information that may be required by permit conditions, such as training requirements or any supplemental infonnation the facility feels is necessary to help in the understanding of the O&M plan. Copies of all operations log sheets and maintenance checklists are also included with the O&M plan. Certain facilities may have additional requirements specified in the regulations.